Our Values

  1. Austin Outside believes that serving as a collective voice for our outdoor places will make Greater Austin more safe, equitable, healthy, resilient, and friendly for all.

  2. Austin Outside believes that opportunities for more public places and connections to nature must be created equitably and that new investments must compensate for patterns of historical disinvestment in marginalized groups, specifically communities of color, low-income communities, and individuals and communities with disabilities. 

  3. Austin Outside believes that public places and connection to nature should be equitable to all regardless of race, ethnicity, age, gender, religion, sexual orientation, ability, or economic status.

  4. Austin Outside believes that greater access to a vibrant, robust, community-wide network of parks, trails, bike lanes, sidewalks, open space, and protected areas is essential to the social, mental, physical, ecological, and economic health of Greater Austin.

  5. Austin Outside believes that the protection and celebration of our wild places and preserves, along with appropriate public access, is essential to the well-being of our community and responsible stewardship of our ecosystem.