Austin Outside Committees
Committees are one of the main mechanisms that Austin Outside achieves its mission, vision, and strategic goals. As an AO member, you are invited to join any of the committees listed below. Please contact to learn more.
ad hoc Austin Bond Election Committee
This committee exists to identify, support, and advocate for projects in the upcoming City of Austin bond election cycle that provide the highest benefit to the community when reducing carbon emissions & promoting climate resilience.
Currently, this committee meets monthly.
Development & Finance Committee
This committee provides financial analysis, advice, and oversight of the organization’s budget as well as the responsibility for raising funds to support Austin Outside’s mission. It is their responsibility is to ensure the organization is operating with the financial resources it needs to provide programs and services to members and the community.
Currently, this committee meets quarterly.
Engagement & Governance Committee
Austin Outside’s Engagement & Governance Committee exists to recruit new members & foster positive experiences for all members, and to manage board member and officer succession by cultivating and recruiting new board members, managing nominations approaching annual board elections, and ensuring that all board members have the proper background understanding and tools to carry out their duties responsibly. Additionally, the Committee completes goals set out in AO’s Strategic Plan.
Currently, this committee meets quarterly.
Justice, Equity, Diversity, and inclusion committee (JEDI)
AO is committed to advancing justice, equity, diversity, and inclusion (JEDI) work within the coalition and facilitating opportunities for assessment and growth for us and our members. We are committed to addressing the longstanding inequity in parks, green spaces, trails, and all outdoor spaces in the Central Texas region as well as intentionally making space for new leaders from communities of color and other marginalized groups.
Currently, this committee meets every two months.
Nature & the Environment Committee
AO’s Nature and Environment Committee exists to preserve, restore, and enhance nature in Greater Austin through member projects and by encouraging policies that support a green, biodiverse, and ecologically resilient and sustainable region that protects both wildlife and people.
Currently, this committee meets monthly.
Parks and open space Committee
Austin Outside’s Parks and Open Space Committee exists to advocate for equitable growth and support of the Greater Austin regional parks and open space system, amenities, and access.
The Committee’s 2024 priorities include:
Provide a coordinating force among AO Members
Advocate for bond funds for city, state, county, and federal parks and open space
Working with partners to increase funding for parks in the City of Austin and Travis County budget
Rethink Parkland Dedication funding for residential and commercial developments.
Support and advocate for organizations making investments (time, treasure, and talent) and promoting parkland and park access with an equity lens
Monitor parks and open spaces planning efforts in Central Texas to track implementation and provide appropriate input with a focus on ensuring plans implemented with an equity lens.
Currently, this committee meets monthly.
Trails and Active Transportation committee
AO’s Trails & Active Transportation Committee advocates for and monitors the implementation of all active transportation plans within the Greater Austin Metropolitan Area.
The committee promotes equitable access to bicycling, walking, and rolling infrastructure throughout the Greater Austin Metropolitan Area through:
Monitoring Austin metro area governmental activities for opportunity to have our collective voice heard on Trails & Active Transportation topics (cities, counties, CAMPO, CTRMA, TxDOT, ISDs)
Giving coordinated feedback on all area active transportation planning (mobility plans, criteria manuals, policy, etc)
Coordinating advocacy on Trails & Active Transportation projects within the Austin metro area
Advocating for Vision Zero principles
Creating a welcoming place for Trails & Active Transportation advocates to share information and collaborate
2024 Objective:
Advocate for specific projects and funding for a seamless network of trails, bikeways, and sidewalks that makes it easy, safe, and fun for people of all ages and all abilities in the Greater Austin Metropolitan Area to walk, bike, and roll where they want to go.
This committee has a number of subcommittees that meet for more in depth discussions.
Currently, this committee meets monthly.
future Proposed Committees
Communications Committee